Our Charcuterie Boards

Prosciutto Board

“Locals” Prosciutto Board $16

Slow Cured Parma Prosciutto Italiano, aged over 12 years and Italian Dry Salami. Paired with Triple Cream Brie Cheese, Old World Wisconsin Cheddar Cheese, (FRESH SEASONAL PRODUCE)-olives, cranberries, blueberries, grapes, candied pecans, chocolate covered almonds, raspberry preserves , and crostini.

Hot Spianata Calabrese

“Locals” Hot Spianata Calabrese Board $16

Flat pressed Romagna salami with Calabria chilies - a smooth and rich texture with a touch of Calabrian Heat. Accompanied by Triple Cream Brie cheese, Dutch Gouda cheese, (FRESH SEASONAL PRODUCE)-olives, cranberries, blueberries, grapes, candied pecans, chocolate covered almonds, raspberry preserves , and crostini.

“Locals” Chorizo Ibe’rico Board $16

Authentic Chorizo cured select fresh boneless Iberico Pork meat. Seasoned using sea salt and smoked Paprika, the Chorizo Iberico is air cured for approximately 45 days in the Andalucía region of Spain. Shared with Triple Cream Brie Cheese, Jarlsberg Norwegian cheese, (FRESH SEASONAL PRODUCE)-olives, cranberries, blueberries, grapes, candied pecans, chocolate covered almonds, raspberry preserves , and crostini.